Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sitting Here with Arby's

I'm not a really big fan of Arby's, but they now have a $1 Menu... so that's always good. Right? So I have lived in this house for 2 months now. It's great to have some roommates. It's nice to actually have a basement to take girls to(no... I just like to have somewhere to watch movies and play Wii). I don't know what else to say. Girls don't like me...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be Ready!

Because you never know when I am gonna strike this blog with a long post!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What are you doing? "Now a zombie"

Well I decided to join Twitter. A lot of others have been "Tweeting", so I guess it was my turn. Why? Because the world needs to know everything I do! So you can now follow me... ChunkyTrue.


I'm really unsure why I haven't really been motivated to blog lately. I mean, so much has happened over summer and think most of it has been very blog worthy... but I just don't find myself blogging. Way back in my "Xanga" days, I used to blog everyday about stuff and now it's just like... blah... nope. I guess it's kind of like I said in a previous blog, "Some of my thoughts I would just rather share with you in person." Well for the most part, that's true... but...

...I really do like blogging and I really do want to start blogging, but I'm gonna need some motivation... maybe some readers and followers.

But anyway, I feel like I owe it to you, to write a blog about the Summer of 2009, because this has been one amazing summer!

-Cedar Point road trip
-Drive In Movies
-The Effect
-The One Service
-movie nights
-Game nights Ultimate frisbee/Kickball
-Video Game nights
-Swimming Pools
-late night conversations
-La Fogata
-Amazing friends
-Jr. High Summer Camp
-Mission Trip to Mexico
-God's Faithfulness

What an amazing summer...

Friday, July 24, 2009

For those of you looking for my blog thoughts...

After thinking about it and looking for what God wants me to say, I have decided not to blog about what God spoke to me about. However, I think it is a better thing to just share with you in person. See, I am good at writing out fun, funny, and pointless blogs, but when it comes to my spiritual life, I think it's better to just share with people in person. I want people to see my attitude rather than to read it. I know there are tons of people out there that can blog for hours about what God is doing in their lives and I really enjoy reading it. But for me, I really wanna share with others about what God is doing. I'm not saying that I won't ever write a blog about what God is up to in my life, but for what is going on right now, I think it will be better just to share it with a few of my close friends. I'm sorry that I lead you to this blog, but do know, God is speaking to me and my heart and is really pointing me in the right direction. If I don't speak to you, be in prayer for my life. Thanks.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Some Thoughts

ONE - Service was pretty cool... well pretty amazing!

Summer Camp - I'm excited

My luck with dating - ...Failure


Done - Bye Bye Beautiful

Friday, July 03, 2009

God Is Up to Something...

I guess He's always up to something, but the point I am trying to make is, "Something BIG is gonna happen"... with the Effect... Student Ministries... and all of NMC. I am excited to see and be apart of something BIG!

Monday through Thursday I will be apart of the leadership of Jr. High Camp. I am very excited about everything and I can't wait to see God move in the lives of students as we are hours away from our daily lives(pretty much any kind of distraction and whatnot) and out in a beautiful camp in the middle of Ohio. I guess my whole thing going into this is... "What does God want from me as a leader?" I've done Summer Camps before, I've lead small groups and helped out here and there, but there was a time when my frustration got the best of me. I ended up taking a break from being a leader, to focus on where God wants me and how He can use me. I prayed for Him to reveal my spiritual gifts and any other type of gift that I could use to serve Him. Back in February, God said he was ready for me to serve again as a leader... but there is still more to learn. I really look forward to Summer Camp and getting to know students and other leaders. There is still some stuff that I am unsure about when it comes to "What God wants from me as a leader", but I am ready to surrender all... to learn... to serve... and to love. I can't wait!

Be in prayer.

I'll be sure to post on what all God is doing in my life, sometime after camp.

bye bye beautiful

Saturday, June 27, 2009

So Much.

God has been teaching me a lot lately and has provided many friends to give me encouragement and remind me of His teachings. Life is great and I will continue to thank God for all that He has done and all He is doing and all He is yet to do. I will continue to put my trust in Him and follow Him daily.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I really need to get the ball rolling again.

So much has happened since I've last blogged.

-Continued to make awesome friends
-Continued to grow in God
-Ton's of Fondue
-Call of Duty: World at War
-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
-"Fozzy Squeezy Bear"
-Chunk Sandwiches
-Lots of bonfires
-Movies at the Drive-In
-"Well I just love flying all the way to Colorado to hear about your problems, a ha!"
-Family Guy
-Disc Golf, my first and last outing(more to come though)
-Sprained ankle playing disc golf... blah!
-Cedar Point with 4 amazing friends... well, 3 + Paul
-Loaded Questions... which create some pretty strange inside jokes
-I like a girl, who actually likes me - It's all in God's hands.
-I've made the announcement that I am gonna be baptised this summer. It's just about 13 years too late. I'm excited though!
-Aaron Jones
-Chunk Thoughts are now a part of status updates on Facebook.
-Carter is still pretty cool... so cool that I draw him in various forms every Sunday... Werewolf, Cyborg... all with force field.
-I'm pretty happy right now.
-More and more and more I could share, but yeah... LIFE IS GREAT!!! GOD IS AWESOME!!!

bye bye beautiful

Monday, April 27, 2009

I decided to blog

Here I am sitting at Mishlers and I decided that I should blog. I had a pretty busy, but fun weekend. I'll post about it later. I just thankful for all the friends that God has blessed me with over this past year!

Small post, but still a post. Goodnight buddy(because I'm guessing its just one other person reading this.)

bye bye beautiful

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Chunk" Short For...

Alright, I'm pretty sure all of you are aware that my nickname is "Chunk". I've stated it before. You've heard others refer to me as Chunk. This blog is called, "Chunk Thoughts"...

But... did you know that I have several nicknames that all originate from "Chunk"?

So here, my friend, is a list of all these nicknames and who calling me them.

Chunkles - Some friends back in my Senior year in high school.

Chunkers - Marty Graverson(started back when I was student leading in his small group)

Chunky True - Jason Mishler(based off of my Xbox Live account)

Chunky - Pastor Dave(this one cracks me up. He'll call me this every time he sees me at the store)

ChunkManYeah - George Wiegand (comes from my Xanga days, back when my blog was called "ChunkManYeah". It also cracks me up, because that's just how he knows me and if you know George, then you'll pretty much understand why it would crack me up. Just the way he says, "CHUNKMANYEAH!!!"

Nuck(or the sound of Chunk backwards. "Knuhc") - Created by Mr. Andrew Moneyheffer(who was the person who gave me the nickname, Chunk) I think he created it because... well... I guess... he thought that Chunk was getting a little old. I mean, everyone started calling me it, even people I didn't really know. He wanted to start something fresh, something he could call me. It wasn't long before more people started calling me Nuck. It eventually died down... and I haven't been referred to "Nuck" in over 9 years. However NucksGhotiCrunch was my screen name for AIM.

Others include...
RoboChunk - The robotic superhero from the Jr. High years
Chunky Cheese
Chunky Soup
Pretty much anything that involves "Chunky"

So... anybody got some new ideas?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is it

At midnight it is over. No more pop.
And this isn't gonna turn into a stupid April Fools joke... it's done!
Wish me luck... again.

bye bye beautiful

Monday, March 30, 2009

Need a new plan...

Ok... so Ryan Walter won't be able to go to Cedar Point in May. Kevin and I still wanna go, but we still want others to go as well. So I thought about this all evening and I have decided to invite myself and Kevin, to go along with this Mr. Jeffrey Simpson fellow. However, we would just drive separate and pretty much camp out instead of staying at The Breakers. We would basically just meet up at the park...

So that's what I'm thinking. Mr. Simpson has a group and he would like others to come... we'll be some of the others.

bye bye beautiful

I'm Ready...

For baseball season!

It's time to put the past behind us again. It's time to forget about how things ended and how things are about to begin. Time to look at how things are gonna be different this time around...

Is this the year? WE hope!
Is this another season to enjoy? Yes!
Should I just look at this one game at a time? No, but I should be looking into the World Series so early... scratch all of that... I'm looking there now! THIS IS THE YEAR!!!


My three favorite players from 2008

-Geovany Soto - Catcher

-Ryan Dempster - Starting Pitcher(only had one really bad game and we know which one that was)

-Mark DeRosa - Second Base or pretty much anywhere on the field (man, I'm seriously gonna miss this guy. He's such an amazing athlete. He plays good anywhere and he's just such a good guy. He will be missed)

Favorite players for 2009...

Well, lets wait and see what happens. Soto and Dempster are still there...

I'm ready for baseball season, so that means it's time to get Fever Pitch out.

Go Cubs Go!

bye bye beautiful


I love the Effect! There, I said it!

With that being said... goodnight!


bye bye beautiful

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cedar Point Camping

I am in the middle of planning the annual Cedar Point camping trip. It's gonna be a little earlier this year than previous years. Another difference will be that we will be camping two nights instead of just the one. Also, there are three of us(as of now) that are going. Usually it's just two. Our target dates are May 17-19. Yep, I'm pretty excited about it! We are going to Cedar Point on a Monday, which happens to be the first Monday of the season because CP opens on May 16.

Oh this is gonna be a blast!

Ryan Walter
Kevin Larson
_________???(we are probably gonna need a fourth person. we'll probably have auditions and interviews for that spot)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Happy 200th Post!

Lets celebrate!

Oh... to go with my last post...
I can show that picture a 1000 times and it will never get old!! Haha! Who's with me?

I went to Fort Wayne of the weekend. I lost my car keys and then we found my car keys. Overall, it was a good weekend. It was nice to have two days off. Usually I just get Sunday off.

Went to the Effect last night. That was good. Dustin Gill spoke about fasting. After that, the group went up to IHOP. I rode with Mr. Kevin Larson. We had a nice serious talk. IHOP was all about crazy fun! Haha. After IHOP it was time to play some Call of Duty at Jason Mishler's house... always a good time.

So some things I'm looking forward to...

  • Being a small group leader. This Wednesday will be my second week. Last week was a little rocky for me. It was a good night, but I just need to settle in more. I am excited to see what happens with the guys in the small group and I lead them next year. God is gonna do awesome things in their lives.

  • Cedar Point - Though I'm not sure whats all gonna happen. I know about 3 different that wanna go sometime either in May or June. I guess I'm gonna have to chose one or try to get everyone to go as one group. That would be fun. Personally, I would prefer to in May. I wanna go during the first week or second week that the park is open. Then it will be small crowds due to everyone in school and stuff.

  • I guess this kind of ties in with both of the above, but I can't wait for summer. Summer means Cedar Point and baseball and cookouts and camping. I would like to go to the Jr. High Summer Camp as a leader. That would be fun and a good way to get to know some of the guys in my small group. I can't wait to watch baseball. I hope the Cubs have another good season!! The Effect is gonna be sweet this summer... I think... yeah. It should be!

Well... I guess I'm out of here.
Hmm... I'll be 25 in a few hours.

So... Bye Bye Beautiful(I'm bringing that back!)

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last Minute Changes

I hope none of you hate me for this, but I've decided to start this "No Pop" thing on April 1(no fooling). So yeah, my birthday is in March and I wanna have a party with my friends... staying up late and drinking Mountain Dew... like a lot of Mountain Dew! I understand that this does sound pretty stupid, but hey, it's my life.

So April 1 I'll be ready for this!

Wish me luck.

Monday, February 23, 2009

CP Memory: Directing Traffic

Towards the end of an operating season, when college kids start to go back to school, Cedar Point will take employees out of certain departments and place them other departments to help out. This happened to me in 2003. In this case, the traffic department needed some help and I was asked... well not really asked... I was just scheduled to direct a week a traffic. So basically all I had to do is stand straight down from the toll booths and point which way the car should go. Simple? Yes, that location was.

However, there this one location that was very frustrating. You basically had to watch like 30 directions and help pedestrians cross and stop the road traffic and the four different entrances and exits of the parking lot and also the motor home/bus parking lot. They kind of want people to gain experience, before tackling that station. Was that the case for me? NO! They placed me there like everyday that week! It SUCKED! Drivers started to tick me off! AHHH! I get very frustrated just thinking about it. I almost caused several minor accidents. That would have been horrible.

I guess my only question is... Why did they place me, a sweep, that was just there to fill in for a week, with not traffic training at all, at the hardest station to direct traffic? Hmm...

So there you have it... a Cedar Point memory that wasn't a good one.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

No Pop: Round 2

So... I've been thinking and maybe it's time to start another round of "no pop". Last time, my goal was from Oct. 1, 2008 - Jan. 1, 2009... with the bigger goal being one year. However, I did complete the first goal, which was three months(which is still pretty impressive for me).

This time around, I wanna see how long I can last without pop. I guess there is really no specific goal, but I would like to last longer than three months. I plan to start this on March 1. Lets just see what happens.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CP Memories: Group Sales Pizza

This one is pretty fun. During the 2003 season, whenever Pat(one of my friends) was left in charge, he would usually order some pizza for about 3 or 4 of us. Now, we never wanted to eat the pizza in the break area, because that would mean others would want some. So we had to have a hiding place to eat pizza and what better place than the Season Pass/Group Sales, right outside the park.(if you aren't sure what I'm talking about, it's the building to your left before you enter the park.)

Well The Chief(nickname I gave Pat) was friends with some team leaders that worked in that building, so all he had to do was ask them. But it would depend on which of their supervisors were working. We didn't wanna get any of them or us in trouble. So basically we would just go in there and hangout, eat pizza, and talk. I might also want to add that it was never really our break and sometimes we would sit in there for almost an hour. We shared a lot of good times in that Group Sales building. Pizza Night was done right!

So thanks to the Chief, Marcos Pizza, and the team leaders of Group sales, for making some of my longer nights, worth it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Effect

I'm getting more involved now and I think I should share a little about it...

but later...

CP Memories: Take 2

So like awhile back I started this segment or something called, Cedar Point Memories. Basically it's just me sharing some of my fondest memories of working at Cedar Point back in 2003 and 2004. I actually started sharing a memory but I cut if off only to just give up on it. I should have continued. I apologize for any inconvenience that I might have caused.

Well... I've been thinking and... well, I think I'm gonna fire this thing up again and actually try to write out some memories. So.. yeah, I'm just giving you something to look forward to, because I know how this blog is and it's just getting boring and it's just begging for content. So yeah...

Have fun!

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Please join with with me in prayer for Derry Prenkert's father and his family.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

So I got the 10

and this is the "11th" and 11 is my favorite number, so I'll end with this.

Go Cardinals... I guess... I don't know... Go Steelers? I really don't know.

Go Cardinals
Go Steelers
Go Lions

Go banana...

The 25 Random Facts...

So I actually posted this on Facebook, but I think it still counts as a post. Well, Facebook has this virus or something and it is just spreading like crazy. Everyone is writing out notes with 25 random things about themselves and then they just tag others to do it. I was tagged a few times and I decided that I should probably to it as well

Here's what I came up with...

1. I am a quiet person, but also a person who likes to talk alot.
2. I've lived in Nappanee all my life, yet my first job was in Sandusky, OH.
3. When I was a little kid, I had the biggest fear of roller coasters. I was always dragged on and would try anything not to ride them. I would scream, cry, attempt to throw up... whatever. Now I love roller coasters and I'm now the one who gets to drag othes on to them.
4. I have a strong interest in art. Although some may say that I'm a little artistic, I would say, not as artistic as some, but yeah, it is something i have an interest for.
5. I've never been treated in any U.S. ambulance, but I was treated in an ambulance at the airport in Lima, Peru. summer of 2003.
6. When I was a baby, I was in a severe car accident. My mom broke her back, my dad broke his leg, my brother twisted his ankle, and the most fragile in the car, me, had pretty much nothing wrong.
7. I have a mild case of OCD
8. I'm actually a fan of the New England Patriots(probably because I am so anti-Colts)
9. All three of the jobs I've had have been right off of US 6.
10. I'm not a fan of these types of notes.
11. I'm a huge fan of the number "11".
12. Some might say that I have an obsession with Wendy's... this is true.
13. I'm someone who gets a little annoyed when I have to repeat myself, such as someone might ask the same questions over and over again.
14. I once walked around in Cedar Point around 3:00 AM.
15. I have a fear of Spiders.
16. I love to sing. I'm not a good singer and I know that, but mostly just like to sing alone... driving or whatever.
17. I'm not a big fan of major tv shows such as "24", "Lost", "Survivor", "CSI", "House" and more...
18. I love to tell stories.
19. I love to make others laugh. Although some just don't get me as much as others.
20. I love authentic Mexican food.
21. My favorite "rerun" shows include, "Seinfeld", "King of Queens", "Boy Meets World", and
"The Wonders Years" (though both of the later I've yet to find on tv recently. Are the "Savage" boys not to be aired anymore?)
22. I am in fact, related to Laura Ingalls of "Little House on the Prairie"... though I'm not a big fan of.
23. I enjoy watching movies alone and then just quoting them as I watch.
24. I really don't know much about playing a guitar, yet you can find 6 of them in my apartment.
25. I loved the movie, "The Dark Knight" and it's probably my favorite movie, but I wasn't the biggest fan of "Batman Begins".

When I read this, I realize that there are so many other facts that I should have put that are better than some of these...

The Ceiling looked Haunted...

So... about a week ago I just walk into my bathroom and I look up at the ceiling above my bath tub and I was a little freaked out when I saw this...

It kind of looked like something you would see in some scary movie about a haunted house or something. I was almost expecting some form of insects or creature to just bust out of there. I had to feel it to see what was going on. So I reached up and I could feel that it was just full of water. I figured there was some sort of leak or something. I eventually called the maintenance guy, but he couldn't make it right away. So I was stuck with thing for a few nights. It grew so big and eventually just started to leak.

The maintenance guy came and put a hole and the ceiling to see what the problem was. And the problem was... well, it had to do with the toilet of the tenants that live above me. Ewww! Was this this thing filling up with toilet water? Was it just the toilet water or was it the drainage? Ahhh! So he got that all fixed... well all the plumbing stuff that is. As of now, it's still looking like this...

Yeah, I'm not sure when he is gonna fix the ceiling. I guess I'll give him a call on Monday, to see what's going on.

The Angry Whopper

I love it! I'm eating one right now!

Thank you Burger King!

(this counts as post, because I never said anything about the length of these posts)


God as blessed me with some amazing friends. I'm very thankful for them. I've been hanging out with a few of them lately... good times! Good times, indeed! So many late nights of Halo, Rock Band, Mario Kart, movies, Super Smash Bros., Call of Duty...

So many....

...inside jokes

It's nice to have these guys around. They all usually have encouraging words to say.

Thanks guys! ...The K.B.M. combo!

Now if God would only bless me with an awesome girlfriend...

Friday, January 30, 2009


...wasn't a good blogging month from me. So much going on... well actually not much going on, but still.

So I guess my goal is to have at least 10 posts by the end of the month which is basically by the end of tomorrow. I think this is my 6th post this month, so lets see if I can squeeze at least 4 more in by tomorrow night.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Frozen Pipes and Winter Tilt-a-Whirl

So, I woke up on Friday morning to no water. Turns out that with all the negative below temps, I had frozen pipes. I called maintenance and they came out with a plumber to check it out. He said he couldn't do anything until Monday due to the fact that he didn't have a machine to thaw the pipes. So I was left with a few options to either just hangout and use other people's water or I could turn my heat all the way up(its free for me) and hope that the heat will warm up the walls and eventually all the plumbing and whatnot. After a few hours, that ended up working. So it was nice to not go a whole weekend without running water.

Also on Friday, I was drove to Milford to drop my friend off and I started driving home down this country road. I wasn't going too fast, but I hit the brakes to slow down and all of the sudden I just start spinning off the road. I was kind of worried about hitting this tree, but I was far enough away that nothing happened. A truck that I was following stopped and backed up to see if I was okay. I was ok, I just drove right on out and continued to drive home. The situation was really not that serious. It was probably about as serious as falling off the couch. I was driving about 25 - 30 MPH and actually slowing down during right before it happened. So that my friend, was like a winter tilt-a-whirl. Fun and scary at the same time... less vomit.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I've got nothing.

I was sick over the weekend. That was not fun, especially it being on first "free" weekend in a long time. It's like my sickness was saying, "Hey, this guy has a whole weekend off, lets just ruin it and make him sick!" However, I did get all the rest I needed and it was nice to just have a relaxing weekend.

It was a pretty busy night. I was still feeling sick when I went to work and I wasn't ready for a busy night. It was busy because of a snow storm warning. I guess it's gonna be pretty big. We'll just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

What Would Make 2009 Awesome...

  • To eventually find a roommate
  • To see the Cubs have another awesome season, but with the addition of actually doing something in the playoffs
  • To actually make it to a Cubs game
  • To make a trip to Kings Island
  • Spend a vacation in lovely Bushnell, IL(ah, you know what I mean)
  • To continue to throw these random parties or whatever...
  • Persue college
  • Go Skiing
  • Get a big group of friends to Cedar Point(maybe in the camping style)
  • Maybe meet a girl and start a relationship
  • To write a poem or a song(I mean seriously...)
  • Most importantly - To deeper my relationship with Christ

Sunday, January 04, 2009

To All You Crying Colts Fans...

P.O.D. sends you some love.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Biggest "I better watch my language!" Moment of 2008

Leaving the Soak City lot during HalloWeekends. The gray boxes are cars.

Second Biggest...

The NLDS(chokers)