Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Flashback: The Boys of 355

In Oct. of 2009, I moved into a house that was later called "The 355"... In doing so, I gained some pretty cool and zany roommates. There was "The Jbo"(far left), "BH Malone"(left of me, and partial owner of the house) and "Side"(Far right). The first month it was just me and BH Malone. The other two moved in Nov.

I've know BH pretty much all my life and got to know Jbo over the summer of 2009. Side, on the other hand, was someone that I did not know. Anyone that knows me, understands that it takes me awhile to open up and talk with someone new. Side was no exception. To tell you the truth, we probably lived together for 2-3 weeks before I said anything to him. (haha, I do feel bad and Side, if you are reading this, I'm sorry buddy) I lived in the basement and would usually just go down there when I got home from work. I think one time I came home and said "Hey, I'm Jeremy, people call me Chunk. I live in the basement here." and the I proceeded downstairs. I'll never forget the first time we ever really had a true interaction experience together..... One night I just came home with the New Super Mario Bros. Wii game and was excited about it. I asked him if he wanted to play it with me and together we went downstairs and spent an hour or so playing Super Mario. It was classic times! So there... I made a new friend.

It wasn't long after that, that the four of us became used to each other. There weren't many times when it was just us four, but when it was, we shared some pretty good memories. There were times when we would just sit and right songs and I guess even formed a band, "Christian School Dropouts". There were times of were we busted out in random dance parties and rap sessions. There were road trips to Wings Etc and memories there that I wish weren't memories... haha. We had nerf wars, snow ball fights, and pranks on each other. I'll never forget when we "faked buried" Jbo's car in the snow!(that's another "Flashback" right there) We had porch/garage nights. We had back porch/back yard bonfire nights. There were nights were I think we sat around drinking wine and listening to a Frank Sinatra Christmas. There were times of laughter. There were times of seriousness. Times of tears and times of Joy!

But it wasn't always good. With roommates comes disaster and times of not getting along. There were times that 3AM Jbo would sleep walk and eat my pizza(which I just pulled out of the oven). Times that BH Malone and I would get in heated arguments which included yelling and swearing at each other. Times when we would just annoy the crap out of each other. It wasn't pretty at times.. but...

Even though there were lots of bad times, there were still lots of good times! I was and am very thankful that I got to live with those guys. Whenever I needed someone, one of them was always there. Whenever I didn't get alone with BH, Side was there to talk and encouraged me to fix the problem and work it out. And whenever I was feeling down or just felt alone, Jbo was always there to lift me up and provide encouragement. The times that I was bored or unhappy, BH Malone would take me out and cheer me up. See when I moved in to the 355, I gained three brothers and with brothers, comes brotherly love. We didn't get along all the time, but that didn't matter because we all loved each other and I am thankful for that. Those three guys helped encourage and strengthen me to the man I am today and I thank God for our friendship. We may not all live together anymore, but we are all still good friends and are still there for each other.

So cheers to you three... to us four... "The Boys of 355"

I leave you with this one hit wonder by The Jbo himself(featuring house guest Dan Holden and the rest of 355) 'Take Me In'. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Alright.. it has come to my attention that I am forgetting the fact that I have gained friends over the past year or so and these people have know clue what has been going on with my life. Haha.. so I have came up with a solution - "Flashbacks". I will randomly post about different events that have transpired since 11/29/09. So you have those to look forward to. Sound good? Good.

Alright. I'm done.

Bye Bye Beautiful



Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm back!!!

Hello my friend! Surprised to see me? Well don't be alarmed. I am just making it aware that I am moving myself back into the blogging world.

First things first... Creating a new title...
"My She-Blog-Gan" Why? Well over the past year, the word "Sheboygan" has become my victory/excited/awesome/sometimes curse/ word. Just think of it has my catch phrase... along with "Get out of my hot tub!", "One Love", and "Truth". So I just decided to take the "Boy" out and insert the "Blog". Very cool, huh? Very stupid, huh? Well of course it is stupid-cool and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So what's been going on over the last few years?
Do I really need to tell? I mean seriously, if you are reading this, then you are probably already following me on Twitter or are a friend of mine on Facebook. And if you are one or the other or both(meaning you super awesome), then you pretty darn well know all that's been going on. So I need to explain. (my apologies to the ones that have been blog stalking me up until my very last post in Nov. 2009. You probably will never know what has been going on over the past 2 years, but don't get sad... be glad for my epic return)

So what's the point of coming back?
Just gotta have a little fun I guess. I don't know. Sometimes you have to go where everybody knows your name...

What to expect?
Well you are pretty much gonna see the same shenanigans that you have seen before. So expect a lot silliness mixed in with seriousness. Expect small posts, long posts, multiple posts per day, multiple days(months, years) between posts. Expect high school level material, complete with poor grammar and spelling.

So with that being said...
I welcome you back to "Chunk Thoughts" ahem... "My She-Blog-Gan" Enjoy.

Bye bye beautiful.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sitting Here with Arby's

I'm not a really big fan of Arby's, but they now have a $1 Menu... so that's always good. Right? So I have lived in this house for 2 months now. It's great to have some roommates. It's nice to actually have a basement to take girls to(no... I just like to have somewhere to watch movies and play Wii). I don't know what else to say. Girls don't like me...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be Ready!

Because you never know when I am gonna strike this blog with a long post!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What are you doing? "Now a zombie"

Well I decided to join Twitter. A lot of others have been "Tweeting", so I guess it was my turn. Why? Because the world needs to know everything I do! So you can now follow me... ChunkyTrue.


I'm really unsure why I haven't really been motivated to blog lately. I mean, so much has happened over summer and think most of it has been very blog worthy... but I just don't find myself blogging. Way back in my "Xanga" days, I used to blog everyday about stuff and now it's just like... blah... nope. I guess it's kind of like I said in a previous blog, "Some of my thoughts I would just rather share with you in person." Well for the most part, that's true... but...

...I really do like blogging and I really do want to start blogging, but I'm gonna need some motivation... maybe some readers and followers.

But anyway, I feel like I owe it to you, to write a blog about the Summer of 2009, because this has been one amazing summer!

-Cedar Point road trip
-Drive In Movies
-The Effect
-The One Service
-movie nights
-Game nights Ultimate frisbee/Kickball
-Video Game nights
-Swimming Pools
-late night conversations
-La Fogata
-Amazing friends
-Jr. High Summer Camp
-Mission Trip to Mexico
-God's Faithfulness

What an amazing summer...

Friday, July 24, 2009

For those of you looking for my blog thoughts...

After thinking about it and looking for what God wants me to say, I have decided not to blog about what God spoke to me about. However, I think it is a better thing to just share with you in person. See, I am good at writing out fun, funny, and pointless blogs, but when it comes to my spiritual life, I think it's better to just share with people in person. I want people to see my attitude rather than to read it. I know there are tons of people out there that can blog for hours about what God is doing in their lives and I really enjoy reading it. But for me, I really wanna share with others about what God is doing. I'm not saying that I won't ever write a blog about what God is up to in my life, but for what is going on right now, I think it will be better just to share it with a few of my close friends. I'm sorry that I lead you to this blog, but do know, God is speaking to me and my heart and is really pointing me in the right direction. If I don't speak to you, be in prayer for my life. Thanks.