Saturday, January 31, 2009

The 25 Random Facts...

So I actually posted this on Facebook, but I think it still counts as a post. Well, Facebook has this virus or something and it is just spreading like crazy. Everyone is writing out notes with 25 random things about themselves and then they just tag others to do it. I was tagged a few times and I decided that I should probably to it as well

Here's what I came up with...

1. I am a quiet person, but also a person who likes to talk alot.
2. I've lived in Nappanee all my life, yet my first job was in Sandusky, OH.
3. When I was a little kid, I had the biggest fear of roller coasters. I was always dragged on and would try anything not to ride them. I would scream, cry, attempt to throw up... whatever. Now I love roller coasters and I'm now the one who gets to drag othes on to them.
4. I have a strong interest in art. Although some may say that I'm a little artistic, I would say, not as artistic as some, but yeah, it is something i have an interest for.
5. I've never been treated in any U.S. ambulance, but I was treated in an ambulance at the airport in Lima, Peru. summer of 2003.
6. When I was a baby, I was in a severe car accident. My mom broke her back, my dad broke his leg, my brother twisted his ankle, and the most fragile in the car, me, had pretty much nothing wrong.
7. I have a mild case of OCD
8. I'm actually a fan of the New England Patriots(probably because I am so anti-Colts)
9. All three of the jobs I've had have been right off of US 6.
10. I'm not a fan of these types of notes.
11. I'm a huge fan of the number "11".
12. Some might say that I have an obsession with Wendy's... this is true.
13. I'm someone who gets a little annoyed when I have to repeat myself, such as someone might ask the same questions over and over again.
14. I once walked around in Cedar Point around 3:00 AM.
15. I have a fear of Spiders.
16. I love to sing. I'm not a good singer and I know that, but mostly just like to sing alone... driving or whatever.
17. I'm not a big fan of major tv shows such as "24", "Lost", "Survivor", "CSI", "House" and more...
18. I love to tell stories.
19. I love to make others laugh. Although some just don't get me as much as others.
20. I love authentic Mexican food.
21. My favorite "rerun" shows include, "Seinfeld", "King of Queens", "Boy Meets World", and
"The Wonders Years" (though both of the later I've yet to find on tv recently. Are the "Savage" boys not to be aired anymore?)
22. I am in fact, related to Laura Ingalls of "Little House on the Prairie"... though I'm not a big fan of.
23. I enjoy watching movies alone and then just quoting them as I watch.
24. I really don't know much about playing a guitar, yet you can find 6 of them in my apartment.
25. I loved the movie, "The Dark Knight" and it's probably my favorite movie, but I wasn't the biggest fan of "Batman Begins".

When I read this, I realize that there are so many other facts that I should have put that are better than some of these...

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