Thursday, December 04, 2008

Movies, Games, Parties, and the Holiday Season

My posts have been too short lately and that is never a good thing. I'm very sorry for my lack of... everything. So I have a few things I could probably talk about.

Movies - So I have been watching a lot of movies lately. Most of them are from this past summer. It was a really good summer for movies. Look forward to me discussing or throwing in a mini-review of all the movies I've been watching lately.

Games- (Well, video games to be more specific) So a few months ago my Xbox 360 died on me. I didn't really do anything about it until like a week ago, when I decided that I should just ship it in to get it repaired. So I shipped it in to microsoft and now they are repairing my 360. It will take 2-3 weeks, but that's nothing compared to the 2 months that I've been without it. Now I like video games, but I'm not someone who sits there and plays constantly, I usually play about 2 or 3 days a week. I'm just looking forward to getting this system back so I can get back into playing Rock Band, the best party game ever. So yeah, another system I own, is the Nintendo Wii and I've been playing that with my friends lately. Every time my friends come over, we end up playing Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros. Melee. Both are extremely fun games. Lately I have been craving some Nintendo 64 action... Goldeneye 64, NFL Blitz, RUSH 2, etc. Which kind of brings me to my next topic, "Parties".

Parties- I guess this kind of goes with movies too, but I've been in kind of a party mood lately. A few weeks I had four friends over for a little get together. Yeah, I know four people isn't necessarily a party, but for my small apartment, it is a rockin party. We played games, watched movies, ate pizza, talked, and joked around. It was really good time. It was the first party or whatever that I had in that apartment and I've been living there for over 2 years now. Well now I am thinking about throwing another mini-party, one with a Nintendo 64 theme. So basically we are just gonna play N64 games and Goldeneye 64(the best first person shooter ever period) being the main game. So planning I am.

Holiday Season- Yep, the holiday season is here.... Ok let me rephrase that...The CHRISTmas season is here. That sounds better. Lets just not forget that He is the reason for the season. I guess I kind of say that to myself as a reminder to myself. I guess around this time of year I kind of get into a "Blah la la la la" mood. It's a good mood, but I just end up getting blinded by other things, such as... Christmas Lights(the way the Ingalls look at them), Christmas movies, gifts, food, etc. that I just never look into the real reason of the season. Christ the King is born. I will celebrate that with my friends and family. Yeah!

Well... a post, kind of "nerdy" at times, but it was something to read. I don't feel like looking over grammer or spelling, so if something is wrong... just deal with it. Haha... I type this at the end of the post, so you have already dealt with it. I mean, I should just type that warning at the begining and not the end, but oh well, I'm lazy. Haha... Just don't judge, I guess.

Well, have a good one!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A loooong Post!!! Yeah!! Your comment made me smile!! I hope your party goes well!