Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Movie Number 1: A Christmas Story

Well this is it, the number one movie on my list. To tell you the truth, A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation are kind of tied for my favorite Christmas movie. I just gave the slight nod to A Christmas Story, because it's one of the only movie I know that gets it's own 24 hour marathon on TV. So is that a good reason for making it my favorite? No, but to be honest with you, I can sit down on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day and watch this movie three or four times. That's something I can't do with the others on my list.

A list of reasons why I love this movie:
-"I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air riffle... ooooh"
-"You'll shoot your eye out!"
-Dressing up for school was like preparing yourself for extended deep sea diving. "I can't put my arms down!"
-Flick sticking his tongue tot he flag pole. "I triple dog dare you!"
-Scut Farkus and his yellow eyes.. "So help me God, yellow eyes"
-the Bumpuses's smelly hound dogs
-"Meatloaf, smeatloaf, double-beatloaf, I hate meatloaf."
-the leg lamp, "There was only one thing that could keep me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window."
-OH FUDGE!!! -"the F dash dash dash word"
-soap poisoning
-"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"
-Ralphie beating up Scut Farkus
-"Daddy's gonna kill Ralphie"
-Meeting Santa - "AHHHH" "OK, get him out of here!" "I like the Wizard of Oz."
-the pink bunny suit, - "He looks like a deranged Easter bunny." "He looks like a pink nightmare"
-"Oh my gosh, I shot my eye out!"
-"An icicle fell from the garage... They bought it."
-The Bumpuses's dogs eat the turkey, "SONS OF BITCHES! BUMPUSES!"
-Eating at the Chinese Restaurant, "Fa, ra, ra, ra, ra"

The "Flag Pole" scene.

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