Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Highlights!

I'm gonna give you some highlights/ from my past weekend.

  • Got a haircut
  • Went to Fort Wayne to spend the night before going to Cedar Point
  • Hanging out watching tv and the puppet show.
  • Got to see my nephew before he went to bed


  • Woke up around 7:30 - that's sleeping in for me.
  • Driving to CP and actually listening to some music that I brought, even if there were some stupid songs.
  • Beautiful weather at Cedar Point
  • $5 foot longs
  • Magnum XL-200 - that's always a highlight for me because it is my favorite coaster at CP
  • Jut walking around the park with Nate, Jolyn, and Kayla - laughing and talking and finding the look a-likes.
  • Cedar Point pretzel - probably one of the longest lines to wait in.
  • The Graveyard Shift - one of CP's HalloWeekend shows. Some good music and stuff.
  • Looking at all the decorations around the park. It's as if the residents of Boneville(from the train) took over the park.
  • Leaving the park to set up the tents at the camp ground, followed by dinner at Wendy's.... mmm.
  • The Gemini, two rides. The first time me and Nate's train won. Second time, Jolyn and Kayla. Nate jumped off the train pretty fast and ran down to be the first on the Midway. I think he even pushed some little kids out of the way just so he could win... haha... just kidding.
  • Riding the train - this has become like the tradition of going to Cedar Point. It's just a time to just relax and just hangout. I'm not talking about riding the train from one point to another, I'm talking about taking a few laps around and then getting off.
  • Fright Zone - I was hoping that Kayla would get scared, but she didn't. The Skull is very funny and he can actually scare people more than the screamsters in the fright zones.
  • CarnEvil - a kid was very scared to walk through, but his family wanted to. It seemed like every monster went up to him and scared him. It was funny, because one time he actually fell down and the monster was just standing there hovering over him. Poor kid. He did end up laughing at it. It was also funny because at the end, there was this guy with a chainsaw and he ran right at the family. The kid screamed. It was all classic.
  • Terror Island - It was pretty cool. Nothing really scared us, but it was just something fun to walk around and see these monster pirates. Kind of reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean(not to mention that fact that in line, they were playing the theme from the movies) There was this guy that was attached this this bungee thing and he would just fling right out at the guests walking through. It was pretty cool.
  • MaxAir - it was pretty fun to get Kayla to ride it. I think she liked it. To tell you the truth, I think that ride is starting to freak me out more and more(which is a good thing). It always feel like the thing is gonna fly off or something, especially when it starts slowing down because there is this jerk to it.
  • Fear Faire - Just Nate and I went through, but this one actually freaked me out. The fog was really thick and the thing was kind of a maze. We didn't know where to go have the time. We came to this dead end and this thing jumped out and scared us. It was kind of funny to then watch everyone else do the same thing. We finally found our way out.
  • Riding Maverick as our final ride. It was Kayla's first time on and my first time riding it at night. It was pretty fun. It's one of my favorite coasters at the park.


  • Sleeping in.
  • Eating at Steak'n Shake - 4.99 Frisco Melts and fries(the bill was screwed up at first, but then they got it right)
  • Sleeping on the way home - it's been awhile since I've actually got to sleep coming home from Cedar Point. Usually I'm the one driving.
  • Coming home and eating Hacienda chips and salsa while watching Sunday Night Football and MLB playoffs.

So that was the weekend. I really don't wanna get into all that happened when we were leaving the parking lot. If you wanna know, just ask me. I think I'll put some pictures up, but not now. If you have Facebook, I've uploaded some.

Well, later.

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