Tuesday, October 14, 2008

CP Game: Look A-Likes

Everytime I go on a trip with friends or family, we always play this game called Who Ever Finds the Most Celebrity Look A-Likes Wins. (I kind of just made up that title right now, but it's pretty much what we do.)

We played this game at Cedar Point and here were the results. (yes, it would have been better if actually had pictures of the look a-like to compare with the real thing but I wasn't gonna go up to some random person and just take their pictures. this is to give you an idea of what these people this look like. Enjoy)

Nate's Picks:

Craig Kilborn

Harry Potter

Kayla's Picks:

Phil Margera

My Picks(The winner):

Jim Halpert

Randy Jackson

Kid from Freaks and Geeks

Yeah, the more I think of it, this post is really pointless without the actual pictures of all the random look a-likes, but still, these are the people we saw. Maybe it was the real ones or maybe not. All I know is in the end, I won! Booyah!

Cedar Point trip report yet to come!
Maybe later tonight or tomorrow!

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