Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr. Pepper Temptation

So for lunch today, I ate at the Pizza Hut buffet. It's something I do now and then, because hey, I like the buffet! So anyway, I walk in and the waiter walks me to my table. He asks what I would like to drink and I tell him, water. I go to the buffet and load my plate with pizza and I head back to my table to see another waitress setting down a glass of pop on my table. Well, this waitress happens to know that I usually order Dr. Pepper so she assumed that I wanted some. I told her that I just ordered water instead. She said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead and have this Dr. Pepper for free." So I sat there eating my lunch, with a glass of free Dr. Pepper, waiting for me to drink. I didn't give in though. I stuck with the water, but oh was the temptation high.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you Jeremy!! I'm glad you are doing so well with this!!