Tuesday, November 11, 2008

12 ft High Club

This is a really random little story, but it was something I was thinking about a few days ago. It's kind of funny... maybe not to some. It's little something about when we were sitting on the runway in Florida, waiting for take off.(Dating back to the family cruise vacation)

So like our plane is in line, waiting to take off... well, it was our turn for the runway, but we just sat there. I begin to wonder what is going on? Is there something wrong with our plane? Another plane?

Me: What's going on? Why aren't we taking off?

Nate: I think somebody is in the bathroom.

It turns out he was right, there was someone using the restroom or something. We had to like 15 minutes before they came out.

Me: So why are they taking so long? Are they trying to join the 12 feet high club?

...At the time, it got a laugh from my family, but it probably isn't funny anymore. It's just one of those times where you just have to be there or something.

Somebody probably asks, "What's the 12 feet high club?".... then Billy Idol will smile.

Haha... but still, I laugh.

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