Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some Thoughts About Today

So I was sitting here and I was thinking about blogging and stuff. So I pulled up this site and I guess it's time for me to post some thoughts. To throw it out right away, today was pretty sweet.

8AM - Woke Up and ate a handful of Apple Jacks and Dr. Pepper.
9AM - Went to work(nice to work during the day again...just so you know, I'm back to working during the day now and not working 3rd shift anymore.)
11:45AM - Ate lunch at Mc. Donalds because they had free chicken sandwiches if you purchase a medium or large soft drink. So one large Dr. Pepper and a $2.79 sandwich cost $1. It was very satisfying.
5:30PM - I got off work and headed over to Mc. Donalds again for some free food. This time purchasing a small fry with my large Dr. Pepper and free chicken sandwich. So in total on two trips to Mc. Donalds I paid $3 plus tax and had two large pops, two sandwiches and a small fry. A sweet deal? Uh...YES!
6:30PM - Ben and Tristan came over and we played some Wii and stuff. We played a few hours of Super Smash.
9PM - Watched the season finale of The Office. It was pretty funny and threw in a lot of stuff that is gonna keep me waiting until next season. Was I satisfied with season 4 of Office? Yes, even with the writer strike and everything. It was still a pretty funny season. I can't wait until season 5.
10PM - We were still hungry so we ate at T-Bell. Very nice!
Sometime after 10:30PM - They played Rock Band while I was on facebook or something.
11PM - Played some Mario Kart Wii - VERY FUN!
12AM, Friday May 16th - Super Mario Bros. OLDSCHOOL!
12:30AM - Blogging.

So yeah, I say today, but I guess it was really yesterday, but it's late now. Well, the date on this will say earlier because I actually started this and then went back to play and then now back to this and it's a new day. I don't know. The point is, Thursday May 15th was a fun day. The end.

Looking ahead...
-My car needs fixed
-Need a lot of money for car
-Then need a lot of money for gas so I can get to Cedar Point sometime soon.
-Uh...I don't know.

So yep. Yay. Gone.

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