Saturday, May 31, 2008


Waking up early is not my thing.
Next week I have to wake up at like 5AM each day, well at least 6 out of the 7.
I'm not happy about it, but then again it beats other things.

Off subject... somethings or some people really annoy me.

That's all I have to say.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Wonder Years

So is this show out on DVD yet? Seriously!

Monday, May 26, 2008


So I am planning my 4th Annual two day Cedar Point camping trip. This year's trip will be June 17-18. I am very excited about this trip for a few reasons.

  • I love Cedar Point and I love roller coasters and rides(10 years ago, you would probably be like, "yeah, whatever!")
  • It's a couple of days to just get away from stuff and just relax and have fun. It won't top the cruise vacation, but it will be nice to just get away on a more personal and private level, even if my cousin is coming along.
  • Which brings to last point, it's a time to just hangout with my cousin or whoever happens to go. In the past it's been anywhere from my brother and his wife to friends to my cousin. Last year it was Ryan and it will be him again this year. (though I'm looking for 1 or 2 others to go along because it might help with the gas money)

So yeah...yay...Cedar Point!

Oh and 2009 might be my return to a certain music festival in Bushnell, IL. I'm talking about a place called Cornerstone.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

And so I made it...

Woke up at 7AM and went to the early service.


This guy is pretty much the man. A man that God uses in amazing ways. I don't get to talk to this guy very often, but if for some reason he comes across my blog, I want him to hear this...

"Thank you! Thank you for "bringing it" this morning. Thanks for "bringing it" each Wednesday night. Thank you for what you've brought back when I was in High School and Middle School. Thanks for talking with and understanding me. Thanks for everything. Thanks for just being an awesome man of God.

But more importantly above you, I thank God for creating and building these awesome characters - these awesome pastors and youth pastors who have invested so much to serving the Lord.

I thank you God for always being there and for always teaching me. I thank you for your love and for the love you spread in others. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I'm feeling happy.

A place I haven't seen in two months...

Yeah, so with the schedule that I've had, I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but it's been about two months since I've been to a Sunday morning service, Easter Sunday to be exact. Yeah, back when I was working night shifts, I had to work every Saturday night. So the hours are 10PM on Sat night to 6AM Sunday morning. When I first started working like that, I would just stay up and go to early service. Well after a month of that, I wanted to go to at least one Connection Service a month, so I decided I would just stay up and go to the Connection service and have all afternoon to sleep. I'll admit, some Sundays in both the 1st and 3rd service I would find myself falling asleep. It was very tiring. The weird thing is, every other day, I would have trouble falling asleep and then end up with about 4 or 5 hours each day. I couldn't adjust to sleeping during the day. I think that Sunday being at the end of a long week with not that much sleep, my body just wanted to shut down and I think that sitting in a service in a gym with dim lights and not seeing that it is day or night, made my body more tired. So I tried sleeping from like 6:30 to 10, hoping that a little bit of sleep before church would help. That worked for a few weeks and eventually just turned into me not wanting to wake up and just hitting my alarm clock and sleep until like 3 in the afternoon.

There were a lot of reasons why I wanted to quit and this was one big reason. Yes, it's been more than a few weeks since I've quit the night shift, but vacations, being scheduled to work early on a Sunday, and a broke vehicle all stood in the way. So things just need to get back to normal...and they will.

So tomorrow, or today, or like later this morning, I'm gonna make it to one of the services. So yeah, I'm pretty excited about it. So maybe I should go to bed...yeah...I should! So...
Nighty Night!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm Pretty Thirsty

So I think I'll grab a Sprite.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Costa Rica bound

Bye bye Toby

What? I haven't talked about my cruise yet?

Yeah, it's been almost a month since I've been on this cruise ship and I haven't really shared anything. I should. It was awesome! It was fun! Yes, it was really fun!

Hmm... I'll share... just later!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some Thoughts About Today

So I was sitting here and I was thinking about blogging and stuff. So I pulled up this site and I guess it's time for me to post some thoughts. To throw it out right away, today was pretty sweet.

8AM - Woke Up and ate a handful of Apple Jacks and Dr. Pepper.
9AM - Went to work(nice to work during the day again...just so you know, I'm back to working during the day now and not working 3rd shift anymore.)
11:45AM - Ate lunch at Mc. Donalds because they had free chicken sandwiches if you purchase a medium or large soft drink. So one large Dr. Pepper and a $2.79 sandwich cost $1. It was very satisfying.
5:30PM - I got off work and headed over to Mc. Donalds again for some free food. This time purchasing a small fry with my large Dr. Pepper and free chicken sandwich. So in total on two trips to Mc. Donalds I paid $3 plus tax and had two large pops, two sandwiches and a small fry. A sweet deal? Uh...YES!
6:30PM - Ben and Tristan came over and we played some Wii and stuff. We played a few hours of Super Smash.
9PM - Watched the season finale of The Office. It was pretty funny and threw in a lot of stuff that is gonna keep me waiting until next season. Was I satisfied with season 4 of Office? Yes, even with the writer strike and everything. It was still a pretty funny season. I can't wait until season 5.
10PM - We were still hungry so we ate at T-Bell. Very nice!
Sometime after 10:30PM - They played Rock Band while I was on facebook or something.
11PM - Played some Mario Kart Wii - VERY FUN!
12AM, Friday May 16th - Super Mario Bros. OLDSCHOOL!
12:30AM - Blogging.

So yeah, I say today, but I guess it was really yesterday, but it's late now. Well, the date on this will say earlier because I actually started this and then went back to play and then now back to this and it's a new day. I don't know. The point is, Thursday May 15th was a fun day. The end.

Looking ahead...
-My car needs fixed
-Need a lot of money for car
-Then need a lot of money for gas so I can get to Cedar Point sometime soon.
-Uh...I don't know.

So yep. Yay. Gone.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stupid Car

I drive car.
Car is my second car.
Car is a '97 Nissan Sentra.
I've owned car for 3 years.
Car has never really had any major problems.
Now 3 years later, car needs a lot of repair.
Why does car have to have so many problems at once?
Does car think I am full of money?
Stupid Car.

I drive go-kart.
Go-kart is actually, Mario Kart Wii.
I've owned Mario Kart Wii for about 3 hours.
Not stupid - Mario Kart Wii.

Friday, May 09, 2008

I need to figure out some stuff

-Maybe something like, how to actually post something longer than this post.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


...i don't know.