Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Nerf Guns Continued

Hmm... it's pretty weird, because I have more to say about Nerf Guns now, then what I was gonna say. I mean, I stumbled upon more situations when such called object(s) was about.

Yesterday was crazy...there were plans but then things got turned around and it just ended up with Ben Russel and I making a voyage up to a far distant land to the northwest. I'm talking about a place called Bethel. Bethel College indeed! We were bored, so that's where we went to hangout and do stuff with our good friend Richard Rensburger. Where we then dove into food(I didn't eat), then back for Halo(I didn't really play. I feel asleep) and nerf guns.

Ok, I guess there really isn't much about nerf guns. I mean, it's pretty obvious if you go to a school like Bethel, there is gonna be nerf guns and food and video games. It was just weird for me, because Ben and I were actually shooting these guns at pictures of zombies and such, until a mini-war broke out between both of us, which led to a Reservoir Dogs-esque ending. It was these times I was reminded of another much bigger, but small war in the apartment 9 of Wakarusa, between Team Richard and I and army of one, the one and only Jeff Simpson. Though, I do believe that ended in total defeat as Richard and I, armed with one pistol each, just couldn't handle the fire power, and rapid fire, and a nerf rocket launcher, of the Simpson arsenal. It was a sad day.

So back to the Bethel...yes, there were some new weapons of the nerf. Some weren't even made by nerf, but still stacked up. So at 11PM, I sat there and played Zelda on the DS as Richard and Ben were engaged in another form of battle, Halo. It was around this time when a mini-nerf war broke out in front of us. It included a shotgun, sniper-riffle, and two Tommy guns. In minutes, there were darts stuck here and there. I was distracted from my sword swinging adventure as darts were flying here and there. It made me smile and smile. I wish I would have been armed, but sometimes it is nice to watch the show. I'm not really sure how things ended and if there was indeed a nerf champ of the night, but the little bit I saw, was just a taste of what I would like to be a part of. I will be coming back, maybe not just armed with a nerf gun, but armed with a nerf football as well(because you can forget about all other good things nerf). Touchdown! College kids are fun! Bethel is fun! Food is fun!

24 is still not too old to relive the pass times from being a kid.

Nerf = Fun toy for all ages.

The End.

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