Friday, April 11, 2008

Dinner Party

So I'm searching for a roommate(s) to live with. Oh do I miss the days when I had them. A few good reasons why.

  • There was always someone there. I'm not someone who loves to be alone all the time. I like the company of others and just hanging out. Roommates provided that. 92% of the time, they are home and the the other 8% provided me with the right amount of time to just be alone and have a personal time. It was great. What I loved about my roommates in Wakarusa, was that they were like me...well, not all interests in shows or sports teams was there, but us three will just some pretty crazy guys. It was fun and I really missed it.

  • With roommates, the cost of rent, internet, cable, and any other utilities is divided three ways. It was nice to just have the extra money at the end of the month. Now I'm paying almost $300 more than what I was paying before, so I guess you can see where having some extra guys or at least one extra, would help out.

  • It just adds more stuff to stuff. I mean, more roommates means more DVD's, CD's, video game systems, TV's, etc. Though this really isn't as important as the first two, it's fun when you have more stuff to share. Sometimes they like it as well, for if it wasn't for me some wouldn't have played through Resident Evil 4 or have a PS2 for Final Fantasy or randomly watch the movie, Mean Girls. What's mine is yours and whats yours is still not mine, but there.

  • If you lock yourself out, there is still others that can help you. (I tend to do this a lot and I've lost my spare key and I'm sure the manager is annoyed when I need help back in on a Saturday or Sunday morning)

I guess I could go on and on, but the point is, a roommate would just be awesome right now. The end.

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