Saturday, April 26, 2008

In a few hours...

I leave to the airport to travel to Florida for my very first cruise. It will also be my brother and his wife's first cruise.

It will be my sister's 3rd or 4th.

And it will be my parent's, 190th(i rounded up a little) cruise.

This should be fun.

This will be fun.

Ok...take care then.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Again, I have something I was gonna say, but it's just gonna have to wait.

Go Cubs!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

At this time next week...

I'll be on a big boat or should I say, a in, a cruise ship.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I was gonna post something today, but now I just don't feel like it. I chose to be lazy, because I can. That's how I roll!


Monday, April 14, 2008


- movie favorite my probably

beautiful bye bye

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dinner Party

So I'm searching for a roommate(s) to live with. Oh do I miss the days when I had them. A few good reasons why.

  • There was always someone there. I'm not someone who loves to be alone all the time. I like the company of others and just hanging out. Roommates provided that. 92% of the time, they are home and the the other 8% provided me with the right amount of time to just be alone and have a personal time. It was great. What I loved about my roommates in Wakarusa, was that they were like me...well, not all interests in shows or sports teams was there, but us three will just some pretty crazy guys. It was fun and I really missed it.

  • With roommates, the cost of rent, internet, cable, and any other utilities is divided three ways. It was nice to just have the extra money at the end of the month. Now I'm paying almost $300 more than what I was paying before, so I guess you can see where having some extra guys or at least one extra, would help out.

  • It just adds more stuff to stuff. I mean, more roommates means more DVD's, CD's, video game systems, TV's, etc. Though this really isn't as important as the first two, it's fun when you have more stuff to share. Sometimes they like it as well, for if it wasn't for me some wouldn't have played through Resident Evil 4 or have a PS2 for Final Fantasy or randomly watch the movie, Mean Girls. What's mine is yours and whats yours is still not mine, but there.

  • If you lock yourself out, there is still others that can help you. (I tend to do this a lot and I've lost my spare key and I'm sure the manager is annoyed when I need help back in on a Saturday or Sunday morning)

I guess I could go on and on, but the point is, a roommate would just be awesome right now. The end.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Nerf Guns Continued

Hmm... it's pretty weird, because I have more to say about Nerf Guns now, then what I was gonna say. I mean, I stumbled upon more situations when such called object(s) was about.

Yesterday was crazy...there were plans but then things got turned around and it just ended up with Ben Russel and I making a voyage up to a far distant land to the northwest. I'm talking about a place called Bethel. Bethel College indeed! We were bored, so that's where we went to hangout and do stuff with our good friend Richard Rensburger. Where we then dove into food(I didn't eat), then back for Halo(I didn't really play. I feel asleep) and nerf guns.

Ok, I guess there really isn't much about nerf guns. I mean, it's pretty obvious if you go to a school like Bethel, there is gonna be nerf guns and food and video games. It was just weird for me, because Ben and I were actually shooting these guns at pictures of zombies and such, until a mini-war broke out between both of us, which led to a Reservoir Dogs-esque ending. It was these times I was reminded of another much bigger, but small war in the apartment 9 of Wakarusa, between Team Richard and I and army of one, the one and only Jeff Simpson. Though, I do believe that ended in total defeat as Richard and I, armed with one pistol each, just couldn't handle the fire power, and rapid fire, and a nerf rocket launcher, of the Simpson arsenal. It was a sad day.

So back to the Bethel...yes, there were some new weapons of the nerf. Some weren't even made by nerf, but still stacked up. So at 11PM, I sat there and played Zelda on the DS as Richard and Ben were engaged in another form of battle, Halo. It was around this time when a mini-nerf war broke out in front of us. It included a shotgun, sniper-riffle, and two Tommy guns. In minutes, there were darts stuck here and there. I was distracted from my sword swinging adventure as darts were flying here and there. It made me smile and smile. I wish I would have been armed, but sometimes it is nice to watch the show. I'm not really sure how things ended and if there was indeed a nerf champ of the night, but the little bit I saw, was just a taste of what I would like to be a part of. I will be coming back, maybe not just armed with a nerf gun, but armed with a nerf football as well(because you can forget about all other good things nerf). Touchdown! College kids are fun! Bethel is fun! Food is fun!

24 is still not too old to relive the pass times from being a kid.

Nerf = Fun toy for all ages.

The End.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Nerf Guns

Such a good time!

More on this later...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

One More Week Until...

New Episodes that is. I'm excited!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Christian Music: The Soundtrack of The N64

With consoles today, if you don't like a certain sountrack in a game, you have an option of loading your own music onto the system and then using the tracks in the game of your choice. It doesn't work with all games, but its a really good option for the games that do support it.

Back in the late 90's, if you didn't like a soundtrack in a game, your only option was to turn the volume down on the TV and pop a CD in the player and press play as you boot up the game. If you wanted to keep the game sound effects, you could go to the game menu and turn the music down. This makes for a more authentic feel. My brother and I always seem to do this while playing the Nintendo 64. I'm not saying that any soundtrack or music from games like Mario or Zelda were bad, but it was just kind of fun to play to the tunes of Ghoti Hook or Five Iron Frenzy.

Today when I listen to some of the Christian music from the late 90's(the best of Christian music was from that era) I can't help but think about some of these N64 titles.

Here are some examples of games and music we played to.

Five Iron Frenzy

Starflyer 59 (especially in the Water Temple. Probably because that's where I spent most of my time...frustrated!)

Ghoti Hook

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Quoth the Raven, "Barrymore"

As stated before, I watched the movie, Fever Pitch, but this wasn't the only Drew Barrymore movie I've watched in the past 24 hours or so.

The others include:

-Never Been Kissed
-The Wedding Singer
-50 First Dates

Another form of Drew came during some commercials for some products of some sort. Thoughts also came to mine such as, "It's been awhile since I've watched the movie E.T." which also stars a young Drew Barrymore. I think that should be the next movie.

Hmm, I think to myself, "Why do even post on this sort of stuff?" Well, the truth is, nobody actually reads this, so I guess this is more of a personal thing for my to write or type upon. But for those who do read this, it's still my blog. Chunk Thoughts. I'm thirsty.

Oh and another thing...I don't know really. I've gotta wait and think about it, if you know what I mean. Ok, done.