Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Is there a Dr. In the House?"

Ok, I'm gonna write about something that's really been bothering me lately. Ok, I don't mean to complain or anything, but this is something I do not understand and I do speak for a few others out there who share this same love as me. Maybe someone can help us out and maybe explain to me why the world is like this. Do we deserve to suffer? Is it a punishment? Why? Why? Why? Ok, you are probably lost, but that's ok. Here, let me just throw it out...

Ok, this is something I've noticed for a long time and now is the time for answers! HOW COME EVERY TIME THERE IS SOME SORT OF PARTY OR GATHERING OR YOUTH EVENT, YOU CAN'T FIND DR. PEPPER? Well, actually you can find Dr. Pepper, but it is Dr. Pepper with cherry/vanilla or Dr. Pepper berries'n cream. Including diets of both. Seriously though, why not just regular Dr. Pepper? is it a sin? What's the deal? Is it that hard to just go along and get the ORIGINAL flavor, the "23" itself? Now I am speaking for a lot of Dr. Pepper fans who sit and ask the same question. Is it so hard? Why the others? More people like Dr. Pepper than the other flavors!

Take a look at this little segment...

Justin Blackwood: Hey kid, I'm glad you can show up to my party! Would you like something to drink?

Kid: (excited)Yeah, that would be great! Do you have any Dr. Pepper?

Justin: (blank look on face) Dr. Pepper? Like just regular Dr. Pepper?

Kid: Yeah, but if you just have Diet Dr. Pepper, that's good too.

Justin: Um, well we don't have either of those, but we do have Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, Berries and Cream Dr. Pepper, Sour Apple Dr. Pepper, Chocolate Dr. Pepper with Caramel. Dr. Pepper 1, Dr. Salt-n-Pepper, The Red Hot Chilli Dr. Peppers, and Dr. Pepper Lime. Would you like any of those? We have them all in Diet too!

Kid: (walking out the door)

Ok, so its probably not like that. I mean its just odd to see all the pop choices and you've got your usual Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Coke and then you look for Dr. Pepper and its not there unless its in a pink or purple box and with berries on it. Those flavors are just not right! It's like if you were going to watch Saved By the Bell on DVD and all the selections were Saved by the Bell: The College Years or Saved by the Bell: The New Generation or whatever it's called. I mean, who does that? Why not just Saved By the bell? The ones with Zack and Screetch and the rest in their original series? Is that a good example? So yeah... Ok, I'm not saying that I don't like Pepsi or Mountain Dew, cause I do and I drink a lot of Dew, but maybe the Mountain Dew people can suffer next time, when the only selections is are Diet Caffeine free Mountain Dew or Mountain Dew Pitch Black! But yeah, thats how I feel! Next time, I'm bringing the pop...bringing the Dr. Pepper to the ones who feel the pain of not being able to drink less than 25 flavors. Kid, i'm talking to you!

Ok, this was my venting post about how things should not be! Ok, I don't want you to read this and think, "Wow, he is mad!" No, this was a for fun post, maybe I'll get some answers, maybe not. But seriously, it doesn't really make sense just leaving out regular Dr. Pepper! But yeah...whatever!! Have fun!!! Later!!!

Bye Bye Beautiful

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