Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm back!!!

Hello my friend! Surprised to see me? Well don't be alarmed. I am just making it aware that I am moving myself back into the blogging world.

First things first... Creating a new title...
"My She-Blog-Gan" Why? Well over the past year, the word "Sheboygan" has become my victory/excited/awesome/sometimes curse/ word. Just think of it has my catch phrase... along with "Get out of my hot tub!", "One Love", and "Truth". So I just decided to take the "Boy" out and insert the "Blog". Very cool, huh? Very stupid, huh? Well of course it is stupid-cool and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So what's been going on over the last few years?
Do I really need to tell? I mean seriously, if you are reading this, then you are probably already following me on Twitter or are a friend of mine on Facebook. And if you are one or the other or both(meaning you super awesome), then you pretty darn well know all that's been going on. So I need to explain. (my apologies to the ones that have been blog stalking me up until my very last post in Nov. 2009. You probably will never know what has been going on over the past 2 years, but don't get sad... be glad for my epic return)

So what's the point of coming back?
Just gotta have a little fun I guess. I don't know. Sometimes you have to go where everybody knows your name...

What to expect?
Well you are pretty much gonna see the same shenanigans that you have seen before. So expect a lot silliness mixed in with seriousness. Expect small posts, long posts, multiple posts per day, multiple days(months, years) between posts. Expect high school level material, complete with poor grammar and spelling.

So with that being said...
I welcome you back to "Chunk Thoughts" ahem... "My She-Blog-Gan" Enjoy.

Bye bye beautiful.

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