Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is it

At midnight it is over. No more pop.
And this isn't gonna turn into a stupid April Fools joke... it's done!
Wish me luck... again.

bye bye beautiful

Monday, March 30, 2009

Need a new plan...

Ok... so Ryan Walter won't be able to go to Cedar Point in May. Kevin and I still wanna go, but we still want others to go as well. So I thought about this all evening and I have decided to invite myself and Kevin, to go along with this Mr. Jeffrey Simpson fellow. However, we would just drive separate and pretty much camp out instead of staying at The Breakers. We would basically just meet up at the park...

So that's what I'm thinking. Mr. Simpson has a group and he would like others to come... we'll be some of the others.

bye bye beautiful

I'm Ready...

For baseball season!

It's time to put the past behind us again. It's time to forget about how things ended and how things are about to begin. Time to look at how things are gonna be different this time around...

Is this the year? WE hope!
Is this another season to enjoy? Yes!
Should I just look at this one game at a time? No, but I should be looking into the World Series so early... scratch all of that... I'm looking there now! THIS IS THE YEAR!!!


My three favorite players from 2008

-Geovany Soto - Catcher

-Ryan Dempster - Starting Pitcher(only had one really bad game and we know which one that was)

-Mark DeRosa - Second Base or pretty much anywhere on the field (man, I'm seriously gonna miss this guy. He's such an amazing athlete. He plays good anywhere and he's just such a good guy. He will be missed)

Favorite players for 2009...

Well, lets wait and see what happens. Soto and Dempster are still there...

I'm ready for baseball season, so that means it's time to get Fever Pitch out.

Go Cubs Go!

bye bye beautiful


I love the Effect! There, I said it!

With that being said... goodnight!


bye bye beautiful

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cedar Point Camping

I am in the middle of planning the annual Cedar Point camping trip. It's gonna be a little earlier this year than previous years. Another difference will be that we will be camping two nights instead of just the one. Also, there are three of us(as of now) that are going. Usually it's just two. Our target dates are May 17-19. Yep, I'm pretty excited about it! We are going to Cedar Point on a Monday, which happens to be the first Monday of the season because CP opens on May 16.

Oh this is gonna be a blast!

Ryan Walter
Kevin Larson
_________???(we are probably gonna need a fourth person. we'll probably have auditions and interviews for that spot)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Happy 200th Post!

Lets celebrate!

Oh... to go with my last post...
I can show that picture a 1000 times and it will never get old!! Haha! Who's with me?

I went to Fort Wayne of the weekend. I lost my car keys and then we found my car keys. Overall, it was a good weekend. It was nice to have two days off. Usually I just get Sunday off.

Went to the Effect last night. That was good. Dustin Gill spoke about fasting. After that, the group went up to IHOP. I rode with Mr. Kevin Larson. We had a nice serious talk. IHOP was all about crazy fun! Haha. After IHOP it was time to play some Call of Duty at Jason Mishler's house... always a good time.

So some things I'm looking forward to...

  • Being a small group leader. This Wednesday will be my second week. Last week was a little rocky for me. It was a good night, but I just need to settle in more. I am excited to see what happens with the guys in the small group and I lead them next year. God is gonna do awesome things in their lives.

  • Cedar Point - Though I'm not sure whats all gonna happen. I know about 3 different that wanna go sometime either in May or June. I guess I'm gonna have to chose one or try to get everyone to go as one group. That would be fun. Personally, I would prefer to in May. I wanna go during the first week or second week that the park is open. Then it will be small crowds due to everyone in school and stuff.

  • I guess this kind of ties in with both of the above, but I can't wait for summer. Summer means Cedar Point and baseball and cookouts and camping. I would like to go to the Jr. High Summer Camp as a leader. That would be fun and a good way to get to know some of the guys in my small group. I can't wait to watch baseball. I hope the Cubs have another good season!! The Effect is gonna be sweet this summer... I think... yeah. It should be!

Well... I guess I'm out of here.
Hmm... I'll be 25 in a few hours.

So... Bye Bye Beautiful(I'm bringing that back!)

Saturday, March 07, 2009