Monday, March 23, 2009


Happy 200th Post!

Lets celebrate!

Oh... to go with my last post...
I can show that picture a 1000 times and it will never get old!! Haha! Who's with me?

I went to Fort Wayne of the weekend. I lost my car keys and then we found my car keys. Overall, it was a good weekend. It was nice to have two days off. Usually I just get Sunday off.

Went to the Effect last night. That was good. Dustin Gill spoke about fasting. After that, the group went up to IHOP. I rode with Mr. Kevin Larson. We had a nice serious talk. IHOP was all about crazy fun! Haha. After IHOP it was time to play some Call of Duty at Jason Mishler's house... always a good time.

So some things I'm looking forward to...

  • Being a small group leader. This Wednesday will be my second week. Last week was a little rocky for me. It was a good night, but I just need to settle in more. I am excited to see what happens with the guys in the small group and I lead them next year. God is gonna do awesome things in their lives.

  • Cedar Point - Though I'm not sure whats all gonna happen. I know about 3 different that wanna go sometime either in May or June. I guess I'm gonna have to chose one or try to get everyone to go as one group. That would be fun. Personally, I would prefer to in May. I wanna go during the first week or second week that the park is open. Then it will be small crowds due to everyone in school and stuff.

  • I guess this kind of ties in with both of the above, but I can't wait for summer. Summer means Cedar Point and baseball and cookouts and camping. I would like to go to the Jr. High Summer Camp as a leader. That would be fun and a good way to get to know some of the guys in my small group. I can't wait to watch baseball. I hope the Cubs have another good season!! The Effect is gonna be sweet this summer... I think... yeah. It should be!

Well... I guess I'm out of here.
Hmm... I'll be 25 in a few hours.

So... Bye Bye Beautiful(I'm bringing that back!)

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