Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Ceiling looked Haunted...

So... about a week ago I just walk into my bathroom and I look up at the ceiling above my bath tub and I was a little freaked out when I saw this...

It kind of looked like something you would see in some scary movie about a haunted house or something. I was almost expecting some form of insects or creature to just bust out of there. I had to feel it to see what was going on. So I reached up and I could feel that it was just full of water. I figured there was some sort of leak or something. I eventually called the maintenance guy, but he couldn't make it right away. So I was stuck with thing for a few nights. It grew so big and eventually just started to leak.

The maintenance guy came and put a hole and the ceiling to see what the problem was. And the problem was... well, it had to do with the toilet of the tenants that live above me. Ewww! Was this this thing filling up with toilet water? Was it just the toilet water or was it the drainage? Ahhh! So he got that all fixed... well all the plumbing stuff that is. As of now, it's still looking like this...

Yeah, I'm not sure when he is gonna fix the ceiling. I guess I'll give him a call on Monday, to see what's going on.

1 comment:

Oliver P. Sanders said...

That looks so freaky! That has happened to my ceiling before, but not with toilet water!