Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Oops... another tiny post.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Awesome Weekend!

I had a great weekend!

More on that later...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Party Time!

...On Saturday night!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

South Park: Elementary School Musical

Yes, I know that South Park is kind of a naughty show, but last night I started watching the episode entitled Elementary School Musical. If any of you are familiar with South Park, then you probably know that they make fun of a lot of stuff, mainly stuff to do with current pop culture. Well last night's episode was pretty much ripping on High School Musical. So yeah, anything that's gonna make fun of that kind of stuff, is gonna be funny to me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr. Pepper Temptation

So for lunch today, I ate at the Pizza Hut buffet. It's something I do now and then, because hey, I like the buffet! So anyway, I walk in and the waiter walks me to my table. He asks what I would like to drink and I tell him, water. I go to the buffet and load my plate with pizza and I head back to my table to see another waitress setting down a glass of pop on my table. Well, this waitress happens to know that I usually order Dr. Pepper so she assumed that I wanted some. I told her that I just ordered water instead. She said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead and have this Dr. Pepper for free." So I sat there eating my lunch, with a glass of free Dr. Pepper, waiting for me to drink. I didn't give in though. I stuck with the water, but oh was the temptation high.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

12 ft High Club

This is a really random little story, but it was something I was thinking about a few days ago. It's kind of funny... maybe not to some. It's little something about when we were sitting on the runway in Florida, waiting for take off.(Dating back to the family cruise vacation)

So like our plane is in line, waiting to take off... well, it was our turn for the runway, but we just sat there. I begin to wonder what is going on? Is there something wrong with our plane? Another plane?

Me: What's going on? Why aren't we taking off?

Nate: I think somebody is in the bathroom.

It turns out he was right, there was someone using the restroom or something. We had to like 15 minutes before they came out.

Me: So why are they taking so long? Are they trying to join the 12 feet high club?

...At the time, it got a laugh from my family, but it probably isn't funny anymore. It's just one of those times where you just have to be there or something.

Somebody probably asks, "What's the 12 feet high club?".... then Billy Idol will smile.

Haha... but still, I laugh.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Say it is SOto!

Congratulations to Geovany Soto for winning the NL Rookie of the Year Award.

This young catcher was probably one of my favorite Cubs this year and I look forward to watching him as he goes further in his career.

Go Soto Go!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Weekend... It's Here!

I'm very happy that it is the weekend! Even though I always have to work on Saturday, I still have Sunday off. I actually work six days a week(something that I'm not a big fan about), so Sunday can never come soon enough.

Now, I don't want this to sound bad or anything, but I kind of wish that on my one day off a week, I could just have the whole day to myself. However, my only day off is Sunday. Sunday has church in the morning and now The Effect in the evening. Sometimes I just wanna stay home from church all together, so I can have more of a personal time. Yes, this sounds bad, but don't worry. If I'm only gonna have one day off a week, I'm glad it is Sunday, because if it wasn't, I would probably miss out on Sunday mornings. So basically, I'm saying that I wish I had another day off, like most people. The second day off can just be all about what I wanna do. Just to make things clear, I'm not going to start skipping church or anything, just so I can have whole day to myself. I was just stating how I feel about just having one day off in general.

So.. that being said, I'm looking very forward to Sunday. I'm glad that I have started going to The Effect. I really feel it's something I need right now. I needed it a long time ago, but due to my selfish attitude, I wanted nothing to do with it, so I stopped going.

The Bears play the Titans on Sunday and I guess I'm just gonna go with the Bears losing... unless Sexy Rexy can show up with a good game against the undefeated Titans.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Chunk's Truffle Shuffle

I've been doing some blog hopping and I came across Lord Denethor 's post on hitting shuffle on the iPod and listing the first 15 songs that play.

Well, I decided it would be fun if I were to do the same thing. Now I do not own an iPod, but I do own a couple of sweet Creative Zen players. However, both of them are currently without battery power, so I am gonna use my computer instead.

1. Shut Your Mouth - Starflyer 59
2. Whole - Pedro the Lion
3. Avenues & Alleyways - Rancid
4. Don't Look Back - Boston
5. American Gigolo - Weezer
6. Tomorrow I'll Be You - Thursday
7. Brass Monkey - Beastie Boys
8. All of the Hype - Five Iron Frenzy
9. My Name is Jonas - Weezer
10. I Ain't the One - Lynyrd Skynyrd
11. So Kill Me - MXPX
12. Spice Drops - Ghoti Hook
13. Once Upon Your Dead Body - Coheed and Cambria
14. Just a Girl - No Doubt
15. Wouldn't Believe It - The Get Up Kids
(lets just go to 24, because I'm 24)
16. Dookie - Green Day
17. House of Faith - Geoff Moore and the Distance
18. Eight Hours Away from Being a Man - Roadside Monument
19. Bop 'Til you Drop - The Ramones
20. Pollution - The Hippos
21. Something - The Beatles
22. Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet
23. Take It and Run - Dropkick Murphys
24. 6 to 8 - AFI

Lets Talk "Change"

I'm thinking my blogs need to start to change or something. I always seem to get on this habit of writing out a small blog post, kind of like this one.


At least I have a more consistent blog... something I couldn't say a year ago, or even two years ago.

Seriously though, Nappanee needs a Wendy's! ...or a Taco Time.

Working at a grocery store, you can run into times where you are surrounded by pop. Oh how I crave a Dr. Pepper right now.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Thought about Obama

First off, I would like to congratulate Mr. Obama for winning the presidential election and being the first African American to do so.

Now... before I get serious with my thoughts about the election(..which will probably be another post) I would like to just throw out this one thought....

Wouldn't it be really cool if Barack Obama had an Afro? I mean, we could call him FrObama.

Can we see what that would look like? Anybody with some form of photo shop or any other form of advanced technology? Anybody... CNN? ...Bueller?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008

I Refuse

I refuse to get all political on this blog.

God is in control. I pray.

Currently, my heart isn't right with God... so I pray. It's getting there... I still pray.

I'm asking for prayer.
-for my heart
-for my attitude towards others
-for my relationship with God to grow


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Thoughts On...

Daylight savings

  • stupid

The First of November: A November "1st"

This is the first post of November 2008... which is also the first time I've ever posted a blog in November...period.

So... November, I welcome you to the Chunk's Thoughts family. I'm sorry it took 2 years, but you are here and this is truly gonna be an awesome November!