Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Dad on the TV

I know this is a bit old, but it's still makes me laugh.

This is Carrie Underwood performing live on The Early Show, back in 2005.

Click on the link and watch the video and at about 2:00, you'll see my dad.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


There is lots to post on, such as...
-The Cedar Point trip
-The Chicago Cubs
-Rock Band

I don't know, probably nothing really to post on besides the Cedar Point trip and the Chicago Cubs. I can always post my thoughts on Snack Pack.

Stay Tuned...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It was in the back of my head

and now it's gone! Why? Why does this have to happen? I was gonna just say it and now I don't know what "it" was. Ahhh!

Taco Bell?

Monday, June 09, 2008

but then again

Gas prices kill everything fun about the summer.

It might slow me down, but it won't stop me from everything.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Gas Kills Eating Out with Friends

If anyone knows me, they know that I love eating out with my friends. Hacienda, Applebees, Wings Etc. ...Etc. I just enjoy sitting there having conversations and eating delicious food. I'm not saying I always go out to eat while hanging out with friends, but I at least like to do it at least once. Well, I guess gas has really been destroying that lately. Hacienda turns into Taco Bell. Applebees turns into Burger King and Wings Etc. turns into KFC. It's not that its a bad thing, but still it's nice to just get out of town once and awhile.

Thanks gas prices, for killing such a good time.

I'm done venting now.

The New Favorite

I'll admit it right now, I wasn't the biggest fan of the show Seinfeld when the series was still running. I remember watching a few episodes and maybe because I was young, I just didn't get it. I'm not saying I hated it, but it just wasn't my thing. Back in the day, it seems like the only shows I watched were, Boy Meets World, The Simpsons, Doug, Fresh Prince, Family Matters, and Full House. I was a kid and that's what most kids watched.

I think I actually got into Seinfeld during the final episode, but then again, everything on TV can seem pretty cool when you are watching it with Ghoti Hook and Value Pac. (True Story) But as the years went by and reruns seem to be showing on like every channel two times a day, I thought I would give it a try, so I started watching a few episodes here and there. I began to laugh... a lot. It was funny TV. These characters are all one of kind. It still wasn't my favorite thing to watch on TV, far from it, but it was something that I enjoyed watching time to time.

Four years later, I move out of my parents house and into an apartment with two crazy guys. I'll say this right now, I probably stood out from these guys the most, because I wasn't digging most of the stuff they watched on TV. There were some times when I though I did, but I didn't, but when there was stuff on that we all enjoyed, it made the experience even better. Of the few shows we watched, Seinfeld seem to stick out the most, because it was something I was still getting into and at the same time, a show that was Twan's favorite. He even collected the seasons on DVD and we would watch them and we would laugh. My likeness for show grew during that year.

Now a few years later, my like turned more into a love. I began watching any episode that I could watch on TV. When company is over, we'll watch it. When I get off work, I'll flip it to TBS and watch two episodes. Even if the same episode was playing two different days on different channels, it was okay. Seinfeld is one of those re-run shows, that you can watch the same episode like, three times and just like it more and more. It's just that good. Now I can't say that I've seen every episode or that I have a favorite, but I can say this, Seinfeld is my favorite cancelled or re-run show. Period.

Friday, June 06, 2008


New Weezer CD.
New Weezer Video.
Weezer videos always have a high level of creativity.
Check out this video of the new single, Pork and Beans.

And lets not forget a few other creative Weezer videos.

The best Weezer video and quite possibly the best music video ever created.
(sorry, it wouldn't let me copy it. just have to click to check it out)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

All Is Well

I feel as if Nappanee is complete again.

Now if we can get one of these, it would be next to Heaven on Earth.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm trying to make this enjoyable for you...

That's what she said.

Seriously though, I'm thinking of ways to make Chunk's Thoughts more enjoyable and fun.

Awesome=I'm cool!

Monday, June 02, 2008

The Best In MLB

I'm watching the Cubs game.
The Cubs currently hold the best record in baseball in 2008.
The last time they had the best record entering June, was 100 years ago.
The last time the Cubs won the World Series, was 100 years ago.

So lets take a look at this...

June 1908 - Best record in baseball
October 1908 -World Series Champs

June 2008 - Best record in baseball
October 2008 - World Series Champs?

Could this be the year? I'm feeling it! Yeah, things can happen and turn around fast, but I've had this feeling about the Cubs way back before the season started.
Is anybody else in the same boat with me?

Go Cubs Go!