Monday, March 31, 2008

The Cubs Lose...but

Wu-hu for Fuku.

Kosuke Fukudome had a very good day. I look forward to watching him this season. Big Z also had a good game, but it all wasn't good enough. It's not fun to watch game like this and see the Cubs lose, especially a season opener at Wrigley, but I still have faith in the Cubs. This can be their year! Go Cubs! Go get'em on Wednesday!


Ties the game in the 9th with a 3-run shot!




and they are gonna lose.

Go Cubs Go

Baseball seasons underway.
Well you better get ready for a brand new day.
Hey Chicago what do you say?
The Cubs are gonna win today!

He we go! Rain go away! Baseball season is here!

Next year is now!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fever Pitch

So for the past few years I've had this tradition of watching the movie Fever Pitch around the opening of baseball season. It's just a little something to get me excited about baseball. Yeah, I know that there is more to this movie than baseball and that there are probably plenty more baseball baseball movies to watch, but yeah, I'll still go with this one.

Heres why...

  • This movie dealt with a Boston Red Sox fan through the 2004 season. You can feel the love and frustration of someone who has a big love for the team that hasn't won the World Series for like ever. These Red Sox fans are very similar to Chicago Cubs fans. The wait has been too long, but fortunately for the Sox fans, they've won 2 of the last 4. The Cubs on the other hand...yep. So in a lot of ways, I can relate to the fans in this movie, during that time.

  • Saying all that, I am actually a fan of the Red Sox and maybe all teams Boston(do I even dare to mention that I own a Tom Brady jersey? Hmm..that's a different story) So its kind of fun to just watch the movie and stuff and get that tingly feeling when the Red Sox win the World Series and you hear the The Dropkick Murphys song, Tessie.

  • I like romantic comedies? Yeah, I can say that. It's fun. Although I can't really say that I'm the biggest fan of Mr. "I will laugh and ruin your sketch" Fallon, but for this movie, I believe him and Drew Barrymore are really good for their rolls. It's nice and It's lovely. I really like this movie. To see a man who is blinded by the love for his team and baseball, to see or even feel the same way for the girl and then to finally realize that the Red Sox are nothing, compared to the love of your girl friend, is just awesome. To watch as he would rather sell his season tickets, in order to not lose the love of his life and to see her run across the outfeild of Fenway(although not really reaslistic) to stop him, is just awesome.

    In a way, I think that kind of relates to us Christ Followers. We are too distracted by stuff such as entertainment, relationships, work, sports, and sin, to develop a more intimate relationship with God. I think we need to ask ourselves, "What is that love in my life that stands before God?" and just sit down and sign it over to Him or something. Sin should be thrown out, but as far as the other stuff that isn't "bad", just lift it to Christ and he'll give you a "World Series" in your life.

So what more can I say...not much really. I'm ready for baseball. I'm ready for the Cubs and I'm ready for the Red Sox. I think I am just becoming more of a fan of all baseball. It used to be that I'll watch all the Cubs games that I could, on either WGN or Comcast and watch who ever was playing on Saturday Fox baseball or Sunday Nights on ESPN. Now I kind of wish I had MLB TV or something, because I kind of want to watch more games and stuff. It's fun. Don't get me wrong, the Cubs are still my team, but I just wanna watch more games and teams and players. I've gained a lot of respect for other teams and players. I can't say that I hate any teams, but I can't say I like all teams. I can say, "I LIKE BASEBALL!"

so bye bye beautiful

Thursday, March 27, 2008


That's probably what you are thinking about these brief "Number of Days Until" posts.

Yeah, about that... It's my blog!

But seriously...

One more day until a normal post.


Forty-Four More Days Until...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Worst

When I was seven, my mother hired a pony and a cart to come to my house for all the kids. And I got a really bad rash, from the pony. And all the kids got to ride the pony. And I had to go inside. And my mother was rubbing cream on me for probably three hours. And I never came outside. And by the time I got out, the pony was already in the truck and around the corner. So that was my worst birthday.

Friday, March 21, 2008


So my birthday is Monday.
I'm gonna be 24.
It's the 24th of March.
March is the third month of the year(3). The year is 2008,('08).
3 x 8 = 24.

Age - 24
Day of the Month - 24
Month x Year = 24.


So is that like a sign that i should start watching the show 24 or something? Probably not.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Messed Up

There is this bracket and I think my brother messed it up.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Empire Strikes Back AGAIN!

Ok, so thanks so there were 9 votes and 2 were mine. So thinks to the 7 people who came to visit my site. If you are readers, then I'm happy to have some. I had the goal of having 3, so I know I have 7 or at least had 7 readers. Thank you. Special thanks to the ones that actually voted for The Empire Strikes Back. Though I would have been better to see a lot more votes. I mean, seriously, I think A New Hope is the second best, for it was the very first one.

Maybe next time I'll do the Indiana Jones poll.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Summers of Slacking

To go along with the last post, I think I've been slacking off with my visits to Cedar Point for the last few years.

Look at the number of times I've been to Cedar Point during that summer.

2005 - 4
2006 - 3
2007 - 2

Yes, I know that's probably about everyone's average, but it just doesn't compare to...

2003 - 90+
2004 - 100+

I'm sorry Cedar Point, but it's hard when you aren't in my back yard anymore.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Who's Ready for Cedar Point?

Oh the days when the Park was the "Amazement" Park.
Now, it is just the "Boring" Park... OK, it's not. Oh how I wait for May.

bye bye beautiful

Friday, March 14, 2008

Is Full of Ideas

Ok, I've got some ideas and such to keep my blogging fresh or something. ChunkManYeah would be impressed. You'll love it! I won't say much now, but...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008

I'm Tired and I'm Ready

I'm tired of Satan messing up my life.
I'm tired of sin messing up my life.
I'm tired of my frustrations messing up my life.
I'm tired of my attitude towards myself and others, messing up my life.
I'm tired of my thoughts and my actions messing up my life.
I'm tired of the things I say, messing up my life.
I'm tired of my time management, messing up my life.
I'm tired of my pride, my anger, and my fears, messing up my life.
I'm tired of depression, messing up my life.
I'm tired of my laziness messing up my life.
I'm tired on and so on and so on... messing up my life.
I'm tired of Satan messing up my life.

Satan, sit down! You had your turn.

God, it's Your turn. I'm ready for You to mess up my life. This is my prayer to You, for my life to be changed, to be thrown around, to be ruined, all for You.

Goal Accomplished

My mission is complete. I now have a bigger audience than there was for XFL.

Thank You.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Ok, so tomorrow is Friday. I had this goal to have three readers by tomorrow. I look at the poll to the right and I see three votes. Hmm, one must think, "well hey Chunk, look's like you have you're three." Well, truth be told, one of those votes is mine, so that leaves two readers. So yeah, I know who these readers are, Carter and Austin.

I need advertisment or something. I'll see what I can do.

I am a loser and I have no friends.

bye bye beautiful

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Catching Up

To catch up with the On Fire Rallies, I decided to throw in some links.

Night #2 -LINK 1 , LINK 2. Or you can click HERE and then either click on Link 1 or Link 2.


Night #4 - No Link. It should be an awesome night though. The "Biz" is gonna bring it, like all of it and more!


Baal-perazim - "The Lord burst through"

Bye Bye Beautiful

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mario, Sonic, and Pikachu.. OH MY!

Probably one of the most anticipated games of the year for the Nintendo Wii or for any system for that matter and in five days, it will be here! I've stated before, that if you own a Wii, you should own Super Mario Galaxy. Well, I now say, if you own a Wii, you should also own Super Smash Bros Brawl. So when Sunday comes around, get up to Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Gamestop, or any other place that sells games and buy this game. Then come home plug it in and enjoy.

If you wanna know more about this game, click HERE.
If you wanna read a well written review about the game, click HERE.

Monday, March 03, 2008

A few minutes ago, In a Poll, not so far away...

So I've doing some blog surfing and I've noticed that a lot of people do these polls, so I decided that it would be great for me to have one as well.

So what better way for a first poll to be, then to have it be about one of the greatest debates in history. I'm talking about, Star Wars. I mean, which of the "original" Star Wars is the greatest?

So let me give you my opinion. The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars ever. I'm not saying that I don't like the other two, I do. The "original" Star Wars Trilogy are probably some of my favorite movies, ever, but The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the three. Lets just get to the reasons why...

  • The Battle of Hoth - Probably one of the greastest on screen battles. I mean, you've got the big walkers and lasers and blasting and Darth Vader arrives. Luke Skywalker takes down one of the AT-AT walkers with his light saber and a blaster, while the others use tow-cables. What makes it better is, it all takes place on ice and snow. YES!!! Pretty sweet stuff!

  • The First of Appearance of Yoda - Yoda is so awesome and when you first watch this movie and you first see him, you are probably like "what? he's the greatest Jedi Master? He's just a little guy." Luke crashes ship into swamp and just can't seem to get it out with the force. Little Yoda, closes his eyes and lifts it up and sets it out of the swamp. AWESOME!!!

    "A Jedi's strength flows through the force, but beware of the Dark Side."

  • Han Solo and Princess Leia or should I say "Hleia" - It is in this episode where their love for each other begins to blossom. Arguements, kissing, yelling, and blasting, the perfect couple. lets not forget these lines...

    Princess Leia: Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf-herder!
    Han Solo: Who's scruffy looking?

    Leia: I love you.
    Han: I know.

  • Boba Fett and Carbonite - Boba Fett is another one of those awesome charactors. He is so determined to get what he wants and what he wants is Han Solo. So he works with the Empire and they plan this trap at Cloud City. Fett wants Solo alive. Vader says they should test him in the frozen carbonite(which is originally planned for Skywalker). Han and Leia exchange words, like the lines from above. Han is then frozen in carbonite. It is AWESOME!!! Plus Boba's ship is probably the best of all the enemies.

  • Like Father, Like Son - Most importantly, we learn that Darth Vader is Luke's father. I don't care what anybody says, but to me, that is the biggest surprise ending in a movie, ever! Nobody saw it coming.

    Darth Vader: Obi Wan never told you about your father.
    Luke Skywalker: He told me enough. He told me you killed
    Vader: No, I am your father.

    It's just so awesome to me! Vader cuts off Luke's arm. He wants Luke to join the DarkSide and rule the galaxy together as father and son. Hmm...sounds like a good business to me. AWESOME!!!

So yeah, there you have it, reasons why The Empire Strikes Back is the best movie in the trilogy and one of the greatest movies ever. So yeah, there is so much more I could say about this movie, such as the introduction of Lando, the asteroid field, "I thought they smelled bad on the outside.", the giant worm, can't believe that I forgot this, but the Emperor, and so much more.
The Empire Strikes Back = Star Wars Gold! Enough Said.

Now go vote, you must!

Bye Bye Beautiful

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Thoughts on...

  1. On Fire Rallies -
    I will probably share more about my thoughts on the rallies as the week goes on. Let me just share this, Caleb Bizlow is one awesome guy! He shared about being an Unusual Soldier and just going to the extreme for Christ. It was a really good message to start the On Fire Rallies. He left us with a challange to just step up and live the life of an unusual soldier, following Christ, no matter what the cost.

    Lets not forget about Yemi as well. It's really nice to have him back leading worship. He is another awesome Christ Follower with the passion he has for music and worshiping Christ.

    I'm excited for the next 3 nights and excited to see where God leads us, using Caleb and Yemi. Hmm... looks like I shared more than I planned, but oh well, it needs to be said.

  2. Blogging -
    Well, it looks like I'm coming back. I just need some readers. I'll have this thing looking like ChunkManYeah in no time.(for anyone who remembers the xanga days) I'll try my best to be creative, though I should let you know, that what I do post, isn't really up to college level. So try not to make fun of me.

  3. Work-
    For those of you who don't know, I work third shift (10PM - 6AM) and for the most part it's okay. Nothing against the job, but I do find myself wrestling with unhealthy sleeping patterns. Some days I'm not getting enough sleep, while other days I'm getting way too much sleep. I guess that's just the way it goes. I've been working this way since September and I still haven't gotten used to it.
    Do I wanna go back to days? Well if working nights contributes to me having an unhealthy life, then yes. There are other up's and down's, but I guess you will just have to ask me in person.

  4. Nintendo-
    Hmm... I don't know why I added this to my thoughts, but I guess I enjoy playing with my Wii(I'm talking about the game system, you dirty mind, "that's what she siad", freaks!) Super Mario Galaxy is probably the best game out there! If you own a Wii(chances are you don't, because they are still hard to get a hold of) and you don't own Super Mario Galaxy, then you need to go out and buy it. Don't own the Wii, unless you have Mario!

    Lets see, I guess I love the Nintendo DS too. I highly recommend picking one up, especially if you still own the original Game Boy(though, nothing is wrong with that)and have never upgraded to a Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance. If you own a DS or plan on purchasing one, then you should probably buy Mario Kart DS. It's probably the best Mario Kart of the series of Mario Karts. The Nintendo DS is great for road trips, passing time in the car, even if you are driving... haha, just kidding. NEVER PLAY DS WHILE DRIVING, SLEEPING, TAKING A SHOWER, OR DURING A CHURCH SERVICE(Unless Pastor Don is preaching... haha... just kidding, again)

    OK, I'm done with that. You don't need to know more about my thoughts on Nintendo.

So yeah, there are some thoughts and stuff. I have to go to work in a few minutes. I hope you all have a fun time sleeping tonight. I'll be sure to have a fun time sleeping when you have to wake up! So yeah...blah...take that! Ok then...readers? Am I up to three yet? Feedback.

Bye Bye Beautiful

We Didn't Start the Fire...

no... but Caleb did!